Soiled Flesh

Post-Mortem Mulch Is Just Another Downgrade of Human Bodies

What do you get when you cross a "non-religious" person with an eco-freak? You get a devotee of human composting. And by that, I don't mean humans who compost. I mean humans who are turned into compost—after death, of course. Katrina Spade has been promoting the eco-friendly composting of human remains since 2014, when she founded the Urban Death Project, since renamed Recomposed. Get it? Composting humans is recast as re-composing them, kind of like re-purposing them. What the new name loses in forthrightness, it gains in marketability.

Washington State Democratic senator Jamie Pedersen picked up this blight idea from composting fanatic Spade and sponsored a bill to legalize the composting of human corpses....


writes on culture and education at Breakthrough Ideas with Jeanne Ives . Her cultural commentaries have been carried on a number of pro-family websites, and she has spoken at the Council for National Policy and at conferences sponsored by the Constitutional Coalition.

This article originally appeared in Salvo, Issue #50, Fall 2019 Copyright © 2024 Salvo |


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